Well, that's it. I have officially left EMBL, no longer have strange pseudo-diplomatic status...
Spent most of the day clearing the crap off my bench and saying goodbye to people (neither of which is fun with a hangover...) Here's the proof of the tidying
Am flying to Singapore tomorrow night, so should be around there Thursday afternoon their time....
Goodbye Europe, it has been fun
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
last post from europe....
Monday, July 30, 2007
Crap-herding (Part II)
Dropped off all my stuff to be shipped at Ville & Minna's place last night. Hopefully it will be packed by the moving guys (about now).... Hope they don't feel the need to re-pack some of my boxes... I think one of them is full of junk I've been hoarding for the last year, so bits of wood, metal, electrical components and work in progress things....
Am now living out of my suitcase....
(d'oh... still need to buy a suite case...)
Rørth Lab memorial
Decided that I need to preserve this before I leave. We've been building this up for a while, think it has almost everyone in the lab for ages and also a bunch of friends...
Was tempted to saw out the pillar and take it to Singapore, but I have a feeling the wall of the boss' office might fall down....
kind of sad though...
Comic genius
Used some of my pirate treasure (see previous post) to go and see 'The Simpsons, the movie'.
Great movie, kept me laughing the whole time, lots of satirical humor... go and see it.
Pirate treasure
As part of my crap-herding efforts I finally cashed in all of the loose change I've accumulated over the last 3 years. Fortunately Commerzbank has a cool machine you can pour change into, it counts it and puts it into your (or Annette's) account.
Total treasure: €71.22
Reasons for this... I've realized that i've been treating 50 cent coins as laundry tokens and anything smaller than that as balast...
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Farewell tour
Am currently wandering around Europe saying goodbye to everyone.
It's quite a strange experience, feels a bit like I'm hosting my own wake.
Also feels a bit like a condemned man's last meal (in the sense that I can eat whatever I want, but with a lot of nostalgia)....
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Lost Potter...
Watched the end of Season 3 of Lost last night. I'm impressed at how they managed to
end the series and still somehow manage to leave it open for another one...
Also saw the Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix last night. Wasn't as disappointed as I was expecting, although it didn't really build tension very well and had the general feeling that they had made a much longer version which they will release on DVD (a la Lord of the Rings).
Still I quite liked the wizard fight at the end, and the Dark arts training scences were quite reminiscent of the 'Room full of ninjas training' scene in You Only Live Twice (which is a good thing)
Am about to start reading the new Harry Potter book, am guessing it will be more disappointing than the film but less than the end of Lost