I'm reading (almost finished) Atomised by Michel Houellebecq, I like it all in all, a story about two disfuctional guys living two disfunctional lives. Just read this part....
"People often say that the English are very cold fish, very reserved, that they have away of looking at things - even tragedy - with a sense of irony. There's some truth in it; it's pretty stupid, though. Irony won't save you from anything; humour doesn't do anything at all. You can look at life ironically for years, maybe decades; there are people who seem to go through most of their lives seeing the funny side, but in the end, life always breaks your heart. Doesn't matter how brave you are, or how reserved, or how much you've developed a sense of humour, you still end up with your heart broken. That's when you stop laughing. After that, there's just the cold, the silence and the loneliness. You might say, after that, there's only death."
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Quote of the day....
double the pain....
Just done the intermediate and beginner's Arnis class, two and a half hours of stick swinging fun... Plus two runs, two sets of warm up exercises... Feel very virtuous now, going to ache like hell tomorrow..... :o)
Monday, October 29, 2007
Photo update...
I've uploaded a few more photo's from Hsin's camera from Bintan. Some taken by Hsin, some (mainly the strange portrait ones) taken by me.
Yellow melon
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Holiday photos... part one
Just got back from 3 days on Bintan to celebrate my birthday (which is tomorrow). Have so far only uploaded the photos from Kat's camera, will add more as I get them from everyone else.
Bintan Album
Strange Deserts...
Kat and I had these strange deserts at the Shin Kushiya (Japanese Grill place in Vivo city). The left one is green tea ice cream with caramelised sweet potato and red beans (ice cream good, potato
and beans strange). Mine was black sesame ice cream with black sesame cream and a strawberry. Looks like chemical biproduct, tasted great.
Amazing kids things....
Saw these great horses at Vivo City shopping mall. They are in a courtyard on the second floor. Basically kids sit on them and bounce up and down, there must be some sort of spring in the horses which allows the front and back legs to open a bit, then come back together, propelling the horse forward. Looks like great fun for kids... also a great idea...s
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
cleaning frenzy....
Aaargh.... Kat arrives in 7 hours, my apartment is now messier that it was yesterday...
I finally collected my boxes of crap from Minna's place, now my living room is filled with half unpacked boxes and piles of stuff.... not a great improvement.
Have also discovered that cleaning is a pain when it's so damn hot. Hopefully my neighbours didn't spot me wandering around scrubbing like a madman in just my underwear and rubber gloves (they probably think I'm a strange fetishist if they did)
must stop blogging and rearrange my piles some more...c
Monday, October 15, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
for the true coffee addicts...
This is a great piece of design, which will be used by illy at the next Venice Biennale.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Daywatch [Dnevnoy dozor]
Wasn't feeling very sociable (for a change) so decided to go to the movies on my own. Went to see Daywatch, a pretty cool Russian film which is the sequel to Nightwatch. Its pretty much a fantasy action film set in Russia in the 90s (which is part of what makes it so great), at times it has the feel of The Matrix, but cos its Russia, no one is dressed nicely and everything is much more creepy. Strangely one of my favorite parts was the subtitles (it's filmed in Russian). Instead of the usual 'done by the trainee the night before the release' efforts most movies have, someone clearly spent some time on them, so they fade in/out, pulse and rattle or some words are turn blood red (like the word blood). The whole effect adds quite a bit to the illusion and actually added quite a bit to the mood of some of the scenes... Overall quite fun (if a bit geeky)
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
recently read....
Troll: A Love story by Johanna Sinisalo
A fantastic book which Minna recommended. A pretty surreal romance with some interesting observations on how we exploit nature and tend to treat people like animals and animals like people...Crooked Little Vein, by Warren Ellis
A great, but highly highly weird book. Journeys through the stranger parts of American counter culture (especially strange sex fetishes). Hard to explain it in a way that does it justice, but I liked it....
Things I'm reading....
Notes from an even smaller island
A Bill Bryson like series of anecdotes written by a British guy who lived in Singapore for five years. I borrowed this from Thomas and its quite fun to dip into every now and then. Its written for both expats and Singaporeans, providing funny tales of strange Singaporean behaviours, customs and encounters, as well as a fair few 'dumb Ang Moh' (dumb white guy) stories.
Also explains some aspects of Singaporean behaviour like Kiasu (something like fear of failure, often at the expense of others)
In the Miso Soup, by Ryu Murakami
I got this partly because I've had good experiences with Japanese writes called Murakami...
I'm only halfway through now, but its quite a gripping wander around the seedy sex districts of Tokyo, which isn't something I immediately associate with Japan. Liking it so far...
very Singaporean....
just an observation from my Arnis class today...
We have the class in the main courtyard of a CC (community center) and there's a walkway around the outside, with rooms on three sides and a car park on the other side. For some reason, despite the fact that there are 15 (sweaty) people swinging sticks around and generally not looking around them too much, most of the other users of the CC just walk right through the middle of the courtyard to get to their cars... they seem completely oblivious that they are in real danger of being hit (accidentally of course) by sticks... The also don't notice (or respond) to the whole class stopping and staring angrily at them.
(I've managed to resist the temptation to hit/yell at them so far, but its only a matter of time)
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
I'm sooo dumb (part 2)
Just got into my apartment. Have discovered that although my condo has 6-7 security guards, none of them have keycards for the apartments...
Eventually managed to get in touch with my landlady, who was wonderful and came over and gave me her key. She was very nice about it and thought the whole thing was hysterical... (especially that I've already managed to lose both of my keycards)
now I just have to sleep off my hangover....
Friday, October 5, 2007
I'm so dumb, sake is so evil....
I'm such a dumbass.... went out last night with the Russians, went to a great Japanese barbecue place (there's a little bowl of charcoal in the middle of the table, you cook your own food). Drank way too much Sake (which seems to have a delayed action on me.) Got horribly drunk, lost wallet in either the restaurant or taxi. As a consequence today I have 1. a huge hangover 2. no credit cards 3. no way of getting into my apartment (key card was in my wallet)....
Fortunately Snezhka let me sleep (pass out) at her place and lent me some money this morning, so I wasn't totally screwed....
Went to the bank this morning to cancel my cards, and happily discovered that they could give me a new ATM card on the spot, so at least I can get some money out. Now I just have to see if I can persuade the condo people to let me into my flat. Could also do with trying to find the landlady and asking him if he has a spare key card (as I've already lost both of the ones he gave me).....
am sooo dumb....
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Alien autopsy part II
Got some rambutans today. I remember having a few of them ten years ago while I was here. Like dragon fruit the look really strange. Very soft and hairy. Inside, the flesh is quite firm, a bit like a peeled grape, the texture is kind of like a lychee, but they have much more of a sweet orange/tangerine flavour. Now I have 1kg of them in my fridge which are coming into work to me tomorrow...
During my wanderings I passed a few fruit stalls and decided to pick up some fruit. I accidentally got collared by the most efficient fruit salesman I've ever seen.. I wanted: one pack of melon slices and a few rambutans (see next post). I ended up with: 3 packs of melon slices (only 3 dollars... one didn't seem to be an option with him) and 1kg of rambutans (I was lucky I didn't get 3kg "only 6 dollars"). The guy was impressive, I already had the bags of fruit in my hand by the time the protest came out....Also stumbled across a great bunch of hawker stalls. These places are great, you would never dream of eating somewhere like this in europe. Lots of tiny stalls with a few plastic garden chairs outside. Here though, the food is great, safe and costs nothing. Had some wonderful satay... cost 30 cents a stick (6 for S$2... so one euro). Had to take a picture. Should have taken one of the cook as well, they have a charcoal stove which they grill the sticks on while you wait.... Great, almost caramelized chicken or beef with amazing peanut sauce. Yum Yum Yum..
Also had water melon juice (water melon blended with ice) which is unbelievable refreshing...
street food
strangest vending machine purchase....
Got a bit lost (got on the wrong bus), ended up wandering around Clementi (quite near my place).
Went past this place and decided I needed a hair cut. Probably one of the strangest experiences I've had here. Its a cross between an express hairdresser and a vending machine. You go in, buy a card from the vending machine (S$10 for a haircut), then give it to a hairdresser.
It was surprising fast (S$10/10min) as they advertise. Don't think the end result was too bad either. The best bit was at the end, instead of brushing the hair off you they pull down a long vacuum hose with a brush end on and suck your head clean....