Sunday, June 29, 2008

Things I have learned...(or not)...this weekend

Just spent the afternoon with Mikiko and her family + Nachen and LiHeng.

I have now learned the following:

1. Mikiko's kids have MUCH more energy than I do.

2. Mahjong is not as complicated as it looks.

3. The Japanese version of Mahjong is much more complicated than it looks.

Managed to get to the end of my first unassisted game, pleased that I'd won, only to have everyone stare at me like I'd just eaten some of the tiles.... Will keep studying

Saturday, June 28, 2008

...and then we got hookers...

Just spent an intrigueing evening out with one of my (nameless) friends. Had a few drinks at various bars by the river, then ended up in the bar of a very reputable hotel. It was an interesting experience, not simply because it was the first passible mojito I'd had all night, but also because of the clientele. Most of the male patrons were somewhat older than me, and generally appeared to be alone. Most of the female customers where considerably younger and seemed to possess more silicon than my laptop....

In the end I felt somewhat like an anthropologist, studying a strange, foreign tribe. I also discovered that I'm not very good at not flirting with people when I look at them, and also that I'm much more easily embarresed that I thought....

As you may be able to deduce by the fact that I'm writing this on a Saturday night, my honour remains intact...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008


Went to the art store on Orchard road today and bought some plaster of paris, then proceeded to drink too much coffee... So if you see news stories about a guy being arrested for twitching suspiciously and found to be carrying a large unlabeled bag of white powder , that was me...

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Boss is away, had a bit of free time in the lab, Rishita finally persuaded me to try making a new drink.... I've decided to call it Turbo-Coffee. Its a mix of Coke and espresso. (we figured it would be extra high in caffine... Poured a small glass of coke (about half a glass) then made a shot of espresso into it... It foamed pretty nicely.

Rishita's opinion: Needs more Coke next time

Adam's opinion: Takes like coke flavoured vomit, and causes instant headache... should be illegal

Monday, June 2, 2008

Shopping Taboos...

Went shopping with Mikiko, Ryota and Nao on Saturday, didn't actually get much shopping done, spent most of the time trying to stop the kids from destroying the place, inadvertantly shoplifting or standing in the windows of shops modeling.... (Was lots of fun)

One thing I noticed which was interesting was how people looked at me wandering around with the kids.... Am considering getting a t-shirt printed, can't would have one of the following things on it, I'm happy to take votes..

1. "Relax, she is not my wife, they are not my kids"

2. "Stop staring at me you narrow minded f****r"

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Battered and Bruised....

I took part in my first Arnis tournament yesterday. Fought 5 fights (I think, lost count a bit by the end)... Got very very bruised. Also discovered that if you do lots of exercise, get a bit dehydrated then go out for drinks you get a killer hangover the next day.... Oh well, it was worth it, I came second in the padded stick competition, so I now have a little trophy to polish once my hands have recovered enough to hold a duster....

Hard to see here, but my arm (lower one) is pretty swolen
(also discovered that I don't take such good photos when I'm drunk)

(also discovered that I don't take such good photos when I'm drunk)