I love this design for a hot-tub, especially because it doesn't need any kind of power source. You make a fire in the metal coil and the water convection circulates hot water into the tub.. takes a couple of hours to heat up, but I'd like one for the mountain cabin I plan to survive in after civilization collapses...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Wonderful designs...
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
one of the random things I've seen on the interweb which I'd love to try and make, especially with my love for steampunk.
(from here)
Monday, September 8, 2008
Travelers lore...
From my travels I have discovered the following.
First, England is, as most foreigners believe as cold, wet and generally unwelcoming (especially at its airports). You will be forced to queue like a refugee and will be glared at suspiciously from the moment you step off the plane until well after you've cleared immigration... and that's if you're lucky enough to hold a European passport...
Secondly, the Airbus A380 is very much the same as any other damn jumbo jet once your in it, just as noisy, still not enough toilets, nothing particularly fancy unless you are a Sheik or Lord (although they did give me a complementary pack of cards for no obvious reason).
Thirdly, Heathrow airport has yet to realised that if the plane is twice as big as all the others there will be twice as many bags, hence it will take its normal pack of hunchbacks twice as long to unload, and there will be twice as many people trying to fight their way to the luggage belt to try and see if that ubiquitous black suitcase is theirs...
Fourthly, noise cancelling headphones are wonderful, but do not cancel out babies...
there and back again
Am back, tired as hell, eyes burning, but slightly glad of the fact that just having gotten off a plane seems to excuse staring into space while people are talking to you....
Monday, September 1, 2008
A Popular pastime...
Just spent a happy half hour sitting in the courtyard of EMBL, drinking coffee with Oguz (a former student in the lab). We just discovered the following: We are both here visiting our girlfriends, and both hanging out in the library until they are finished, until then we're both spending all the money of their lunch cards....