Monday, August 4, 2008


Assumptions I've discovered people make....

1. A white guy walking down the street must be looking for a taxi.

Not just walking somewhere, that would be foolish and pointless. After all, he's white, surely he can afford a taxi. Hey, guess what I'm a taxi driver, he mustn't have seen me, I'll slow down and honk my horn to helpfully let him know I'm there, just like the last three taxi drivers did. I'm sure he'll appreciate my helpful gesture and it won't freak him out in the slightest... (sigh)

2. Single white guys walking around the centre of town on a friday night clearly need a hooker.... (although thinking about it, this might be true)

Probably not walking home, or looking for the MRT station, they need a hooker. In fact, if you're in that profession, just go and grab the guy. If you hang on to his arm long enough he's sure to take you home...

(Ok, so point 2 only happened once, but I still found it strange)

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