Friday, October 5, 2007

I'm so dumb, sake is so evil....

I'm such a dumbass.... went out last night with the Russians, went to a great Japanese barbecue place (there's a little bowl of charcoal in the middle of the table, you cook your own food). Drank way too much Sake (which seems to have a delayed action on me.) Got horribly drunk, lost wallet in either the restaurant or taxi. As a consequence today I have 1. a huge hangover 2. no credit cards 3. no way of getting into my apartment (key card was in my wallet)....

Fortunately Snezhka let me sleep (pass out) at her place and lent me some money this morning, so I wasn't totally screwed....

Went to the bank this morning to cancel my cards, and happily discovered that they could give me a new ATM card on the spot, so at least I can get some money out. Now I just have to see if I can persuade the condo people to let me into my flat. Could also do with trying to find the landlady and asking him if he has a spare key card (as I've already lost both of the ones he gave me).....

am sooo dumb....

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